Call For Paper

Dear Researchers & Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts of your Review/Original Research/Case Report/Short communication, for possible publication in journals of International Journal of Paediatric Dental Health which publishes top-level work from all areas related to Scientific Scholar research.

The International Journal of Pediatric Dental Health covers vast area of Scientific Research and mainly functions to publish the Journals. IJPDH invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that communicates current research on dentistry both the theoretical and methodological aspects, as well as various applications in real world problems from Dental & Medical Science, Ayurveda Science, Homeopathy, Pharmacy, Nursing.

 We shall be glad to receive your technical contributions at your earliest convenience.

Please publicize this journal amongst your colleagues for possible contribution and subscription.

With kind & warm regards,

Editor in Chief

International Journal of Paediatric Dental Health (IJPDH)